We create suitable solutions.
To this end, we do not focus exclusively on standard financing offers, but rather combine customer requirements with optimal options.
Strategy development and set-up for new technology financing and business models. We transform purchasing transactions (transaction-based processing) into service-based business models.
Greenfield approach or LCS asset transfer:
Optimization of existing leasing agreements.
LCS Portfolio Analysis:
Structured financing solutions for capital-intensive investments, e.g. software, including standardized financing parameters and transparent processing processes.
Flexible financing solutions taking into account the latest technologies and technology upgrades. The focus here is on growth, scalability, investment security and budgets. For example, data centers and client infrastructure.
Use instead of buy.
Integration of innovative services into the range of services, including an appropriate billing logic (pay-as-you-earn).
The result is managed infrastructure services with fixed, plannable services and costs.
LCS Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Fichtestraße 22
D-74074 Heilbronn
T 49 7131 644-1249
E info(at)lcsconcept.de
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